Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 4&5

Day 4 was a total nightmare. One of the nasty things about trying to teach your self something you know little to nothing about is just that - you don't know. You don't know where to start, what to do, or when to do it. Things a teacher would explain to you in about 30 min seem like gigantic obstacles. Oh i forgot, day four was all about architecture, also known as stuff my nightmares are made of. I lost the whole day yesterday and a better part of today trying to make a ''quick'' study of this intricate Victorian castle. Boy was that the wrong way to approach this subject. My logic behind it was that i needed to add a lot to my visual library and what better way to do it than to do studies. What i failed to take in account was that these were masterpieces of architecture that some genius spent decades building and here i was trying to capture every little detail in what i hoped to be under an hour. Intricacy coupled with multiple perspectives (another one of my night terrors) beat me to a bloody pulp. But i managed to drag my self out of the ensuing panic attack (oh no i can't draw i'll never be able to do this etc...) and tried a different approach. I will make studies of individual elements , decorations , and such to enrich my visual library , and work on creating my own designs. I have no idea if this is something a skilled teacher would recommend but it seems to be doing it for me at this point.

I downloaded the spectacular program by epic game called carapace s that allows you to make multiple perspective grids, taking out all the guess work and allowing you to concentrate on just the design itself.

And i managed to these :)  For a first try im not unsatisfied but i can see how this needs to get a lot better design wise .

Oh and i managed to do a quick 1h sketch for Anthony Jones'es Heaven's hell contest.

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